$97.00 USD

The NOT So Fine Print:

As this workshop is LIVE and you'll receive lifetime access to this version - along with any future upgrades of this workshop - please note that all sales are final and non-refundable.

P.s: The grant of future upgrades is only applicable to the workshops themselves, so this may not necessarily the future bonuses that will come with the upgrades.  

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Converse with Consent LIVE Workshop (PM)

Converse with Consent LIVE Workshop on Wednesday 19th January 2022 at 11am GMT / 7pm AWT / 10pm AET / 12pm CET.

Are you a Podcast Host (or you intend to be one in the near future) who wants to have interviews with their guests which cover sensitive stories + tender topics at times.

By being here, this tells me that you're committed to creating a safespace for your guests where they can comfortably and consensually share their insights, stories and strategies which will be honoured by you and your audience.  

In this workshop, you'll learn insights to shift your pre-interview processes, your interview experience, and guest aftercare towards a more trauma sensitive lens.